Hello, I'm Aria.
I'm an odd girl who produces various kinds of adult games, art, and writing.
It's difficult for me to understand and talk about my feelings surrounding sex and intimacy.
Through my work, I want to understand myself better, and I want to connect with others like me.
That's why I've started to plant some seeds.
Before you interact with me or my work, please note the following.
My work is not always sexually explicit, but it does consistently deal with adult themes and acts, and thus isn't appropriate for minors. And it is also sexually explicit sometimes. As stated above, please leave if you are under 18.
My work is usually centered on masochism, which I define as a process of recontextualization: painful, humiliating or uncomfortable experiences are reinterpreted as enjoyable ones. In other words, I'll often talk about consenting to acts which may seem cruel towards me. If this is a subject you find upsetting, you may wish to leave, or at least tread carefully.
If that sounds okay, I hope you enjoy your time in my garden.