Aria, the main character of Dead Girl's Notebook, is a depressed gay masochist who often speaks about
herself in cruel and dehumanizing ways and sometimes fantasizes about dying.
(Aria, the real person who is writing this, is doing okay lately.)
There's a consensual BDSM sex scene where Aria is subject to various humiliating and painful things.
Humiliating kinky "punishments" come up in other parts of the story in a comedic context.
There are a handful of scenes involving damage to the body, such as characters bleeding or losing limbs.
Here is a breakdown of what happens in each chapter.
- Prologue: Discussion of a dead body with a knife in its heart.
- Chapter 1. Aria repeatedly refers to herself as if she's not human.
- Chapter 2. Brief mention of blood when a character breaks glass with their hand.
- Chapter 3. Aria repeatedly refers to herself as "less than" others.
The aforementioned BDSM sex scene happens here, it includes shoe & foot licking, bondage, and pain play.
- Chapter 4. Aria seems to not care if her actions result in her death.
She ponders the idea of being eaten and digested alive.
- Chapter 5. A character loses their hand. A character kisses another character's shoes due to losing a contest.
- Chapter 6. A character acts as another character's footstool due to losing a contest.
- Chapter 7. A character loses an arm. Another character loses both arms and a leg.
Some monsters are killed in somewhat gruesome ways.
- Chapter 8. A character is asked to act as another character's 'servant' due to losing a contest.
- Chapter 9. Aria discusses the often unpleasant results of developing an obsessive crush on someone.
- Chapter 10. Discussion of a dead body with a knife in its heart.
Some slightly gruesome interactions involving Aria touching the body.
If there's something unpleasant that blindsided you that you think I should add to this page,
let me know (you can message me on Twitter or post a comment on Itchio).